Alternate Media

Alternate media is a broad term used to describe the conversion of instructional materials, into a variety of accessible formats, to meet the needs of students with disabilities based on their specific limitations. It includes print and technology-based solutions.

Tactile graphics
Large Print
Electronic Text

If you are approved for alternate media, follow these instructions to submit your request at least 2 weeks in advance.

Instructions for Requesting Alternate Media

For standard production for full textbooks and course readers, expected delivery time is ten business days.

For rolling basis production for segments of textbooks and course readers, expected delivery time is five business days.

For specialized text including: Braille, large print, foreign language, scanned conversion, math, science, etc., delivery times are based on reasonable effort.

Recommended reading is considered lower priority than required materials, and delivery times are based on reasonable effort. We will provide an estimated date of completion.

Please note: All information regarding your alternate media requests will be communicated through your SBCC email account.

In order to continually improve our services to students, please express any concerns and/or complaints regarding alternate media of instructional materials by emailing the DSPS Director, Jana Garnett, at