Career center representative helping a student find a job.

Student Employment Opportunities

Many students work while they are enrolled in classes, as well as explore opportunities for after graduation. We invite you to explore your job, internship and volunteer opportunities here! When campus is open, you are welcome to drop in to the Career Center in BC221. No appointment is necessary.

Jobspeaker is for SBCC students!
View and apply for on- and off-campus jobs, internships and volunteer opportunities!

Your Job Search: Getting Started 

Set a Schedule

Set aside a specific time to do your job search.  If you are applying to multiple places, set up a system where you can keep track of where and when you applied, so that you can follow up if needed.

Be Flexible

Changes do happen.  As with any plans today, we are adapting to challenging situations.  Don't be too hard on yourself.  Allow yourself the space to adjust as needed.

Check Out Our Resources


Watch How to Find a  Job 

Student FAQs

You must be registered for 6 units or more (12 units for International Students) in order to be eligible to work on campus.

A Federal Work Study (FWS) job lets you earn part of your college expenses and can open up more on-campus job opportunities for you. The purpose of the program is to promote part-time employment opportunities for students. If you are eligible, you will be notified on your financial aid award letter (available in your SBCC campus account). 

FWS students must be enrolled for a minimum of 6 units and may not work more than 19.5 hours per week on campus.

  • To see if you  have FWS as a part of your financial aid package, check on the campus portal, under Financial Aid Award or contact the Financial Aid Office
  • You must have filled out a FAFSA and qualify for Federal Financial Aid
  • You must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident

If you have any questions, please contact the Financial Aid Office in Room SS210 or call (805) 965-0581 ext. 4101. 

Each campus department conducts its own hiring, and some do not post job openings on Jobspeaker. You may go in person to see if a department is hiring. Have your available-to-work hours ready. While some supervisors do not require a resume, if you want to prepare a resume beforehand, drop by the Career Center and we will be glad to help.

The departments below often have applications that can be picked up in their areas.

Security: Issue parking citations, parking permits, provide parking information at kiosks and be campus escorts for students. Drop by the Security Office & fill out an application. (Must have received Federal Work Study financial aid.)     

Food Services: Main Cafeteria and West Campus Café: you can drop by the cafeteria to pick up an application for jobs such as cashier, food server and kitchen clean up.

The Library and Learning Resource Center:  Various jobs can be found on Jobspeaker, if available.

Disability Services and Programs for Students (DSPS):  Assist disabled students in their classes; note taking and more. Contact DSPS Office in SS-160.

Athletics: Go to the towel cage by the Life Fitness Center and inquire. You must have been awarded Federal Work Study as a part of your financial aid.

The Human Resources office handles student employment paperwork. Details are available on their website

The Career Center is available to assist you in finding an internship that will help you meet your education and career path goals. 
Find out more about internships.

Please note that SBCC is unable to research the integrity of each potential employer. Therefore, students are urged to undertake this responsibility. Use caution and common sense when applying for any position with an organization or applying for a job with a residential address.

While there are legitimate opportunities for individuals to work from home, be sure to research the position in advance of applying. If you suspect a position listed on Jobspeaker is fraudulent, please contact the Career Center.  If you believe you are the victim of fraud resulting from a job listing, please contact the local police as well.

It is very important for you to educate yourself about potential scams. Here are some good tips that the job is probably fraudulent:

  • The promise of a large salary for very little work - especially those that state thousands of dollars of income per month with little or no experience required.
  • Positions that ask you to give credit card, PayPal or bank account numbers, or copies of personal documents.
  • Jobs that ask you to send payment by wire service or courier.
  • Positions in which you are offered a large payment or reward in exchange for allowing the use of your bank account - often for depositing checks or transferring money.

Federal Trade Commission Consumer Information on Jobs and Making Money

Why use LinkedIn?
LinkedIn is a social networking site for students and professionals.  Your LinkedIn profile can serve as an online  résumé.  Using LinkedIn can be valuable in job searched, preparing for interviews or making professional contacts. Career Center staff can help you set up your LinkedIn account and profile.

Learn how to create and navigate an account. 
 - Open your campus portal account and click on Student Resources
 - Under Class Resources, click on LinkedIn Learning
 - In the search field, enter, "Learning LinkedIn for Students
 - View the course

Create an account now.

LinkedIn Help

On-Campus jobs: International students must be currently enrolled in at least 12 units and can begin work their first semester on campus. Students must be in good standing (2.0 GPA) with the ISSP office. International students are not eligible for Federal Work Study jobs.

Off-Campus jobs: 
Please check with your international student advisor as to your eligibility to work in the U.S.

Below are some resources for undocumented students and DACA beneficiaries.

National Immigration Law Center FAQs
Workplace rights for DACA students

Undocumented Students Guide
Guide posted on the SBCC Library website that provides recommended resources for research, and services related to undocumented students.

Immigrants Rising's mission is to "empower young undocumented students to achieve educational and career goals through personal, institutional and policy transformation."

This is for informational purposes only. It is not legal advice or a substitute for legal counsel.

Other Student Resources

Explore Majors & Careers  |  Find Opportunities  |  Jobspeaker  |  Get Hired  |  Events & Workshops  |  For Employers
Contact Us
Business/Communication Building - BC221
Monday - Thursday: 9am - 4:00pm
Friday: online services only
(805) 730-4131
Instagram icon @sbcc_careercenter

youtube icon SBCC Career Center