IDC Building

Facilities Vision Planning

The purpose of the District's Facilities Vision Plan (FVP or Plan) is to provide a guide for future campus development, with the intent to describes a path for the District to improve and maintain existing facilities to meet educational goals and objectives. The Plan should be viewed as a flexible and dynamic document being reviewed on a periodic basis as the economy changes, student needs evolve, and new educational trends emerge. The Plan, above all, must reflect the courses of action described in the Educational Vision Plan. The success of the Plan will be measured by the commitment to adherence and implementation from all stakeholders at the College.

The 2019 FVP is the last formal update since the 1908's. The District intends to review and update its FVP every 5 years. The objective of the current planning team is to evaluate, at a macro level, existing facilities qualitatively and quantitatively, for the purpose of assessment of the extent of capital improvements that may be required to provide technologically appropriate, cost effective and serviceable space to meet educational needs, and the assessment of the magnitude and impact of any deferred maintenance issues. Cambridge West Partnership, LLC (CWP) is facilitating the completiong of the Districts 2024 FMP, with focus directed to the permanent buildings at the Main, Wake, and Schott Campuses that are directly or indirectly central to the instructional process.

Planning Team:

Cambridge West Partnership, LLC

  • Megan Gaunce, Director of Campus Planning
  • George Walters, Project Principle
  • Fred Trapp, Director of Facilities Service

SBCC Staff 

  • Mark Broomfield, Facilities Operations Manager
  • Brian Fahnestock (Lead), Interim Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, Business Services
  • Erik Fricke, Director, Campus Safety and Emergency Response
  • Daniel Gaffney, (CSEA) Classified representative, Facilities Assistant, Sr
  • Jordan Killebrew, Executive Director, Public Affairs and Communications
  • Daniel Le Guen-Schmidt, Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, Human Resources
  • Kimberly Monda, (Academic Senate) Professor, English
  • Joshua Ramirez (Alternate), (Academic Senate) Professor, Department of Psychology
  • Katherine Laris (Alternate), (Academic Senate) Associate Professor, Theatre Arts, Co-Chair
  • Rob Morales, Director, Facilities
  • Dean Nevins, Executive Director, Information Technology
  • Jim Clark (Alternate), Director of Information Technology Infrastructure and Security
  • Julie Samson, (ALA) Management representative, Dir. Entrepreneurship, Dean, Ed Programs
  • Carola Smith, Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, School of Extended Learning
  • Beth Taylor Schott, Dean, Educational Programs (Distance Education, Library, Faculty Resource Center, Cartwright Learning Resource Center, English as a Second Language, School of Modern Languages, Career Center)
  • Alexandra Thierjung, (ACE) Executive Assistant (Confidential) to the Assistant Superintendent/Vice President of Business Services
  • Angela Warren, Coordinator, Counselor, Associate Professor, Student Services Transfer Academy (TAG)