Extended Learning Class Information

This page includes online, Zoom video conference, hybrid and face-to-face* classes listed by semester and program, and reflect current class information as changes occur.   Email your instructor for access to online and Zoom classes.
To locate your instructor's email, click on your program's button below to access the semester spreadsheet. Then scroll to find your class, meeting details and instructor's email.
*For an explanation of different class formats click here.

Fall 2024 Extended Learning Classes

Framing class background

Fall lists include online, Zoom video conference, hybrid and face-to-face classes. Click the program below to access your instructor's email address.


Q: Is there a difference between "Online" and "Zoom" video conference classes? 
A:  Your "Zoom" class may be listed as an "Online" class.  However, some online classes have no times or days listed - these classes are not taught 
via Zoom.  Zoom classes generally list specific times and dates.  It is very important for you to check your campus email notifications from your instructor for class information and changes to the schedule.  Below is a breakdown of the class formats:

  • Fully Online/Asynchronous: If your class is listed as “Online” with NO days and times listed in the class schedule, the class will be taught completely remotely.  You will not be expected to log-in or attend at specific times for your class meeting.
  • In-Person/Face-to-Face: If your class lists a day, time AND a location (i.e., a room on campus) your class will meet in-person. 
  • Hybrid: Your class might be a hybrid class meaning that you will be in-person for part of the course (day[s], time[s] and on-campus room location listed) and also be expected to complete some work remotely/online.
  • Hyflex: Class can be taken either in-person or via live videoconference (Zoom). These are synchronously taught.
  • Synchronous: If your class is listed with days and times in the class schedule, but lists “Online” as the location, please be prepared to attend the online course at the days and times listed. Your instructor will likely offer live, online, Zoom instruction at the time listed in the schedule of classes. It is important that you connect with your instructor for the Zoom link to the class.