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Board Policies and Administrative Procedures

Committee Charge

Reporting to the Superintendent/President, BPAP is the college-wide advisory committee and consultative body for Board policies and administrative procedures. BPAP is charged with identification of and recommendations for all Board policies and administrative procedures legally required by state and federal law and the Accreditation Commission.

Additionally, BPAP is responsible for the ongoing review, updating, and maintenance of this material to ensure that policies are legally current and in accordance with Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations.

Committee members represent governance groups and communicate with them for input and to provide education regarding policies and procedures.

Board Policies and Administrative Procedures


2 Administrator Appointees
3 Classified Appointees
3 Faculty Appointees
3 Manager Appointees
1 Student Appointee                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

All members are appointed by their respective governance groups. The committee chair is selected by the Superintendent/President from among the committee members.

Area of Representation
Dr. Keller Magenau (Chair) Executive Director of Institutional Research and Planning Non-Voting Chair
Dr. Dean Nevins Executive Director of Information Technology Administrator Appointee
Dan Le Guen-Schmidt Assistant Superintendent/Vice President of Human Resources Administrator Appointee
Paulmena Kelly Senior Executive Assistant to the Superintendent/President & Board of Trustees  Confidential Appointee
Liz Auchincloss Technology Services Specialist III Classified Appointee
Valdas Karalis Student Program Advisor Classified Appointee
Jason Thornell Technology Services Specialist Classified Appointee
Joshua Ramirez Ph.D. Professor, Academic Senate President Faculty Appointee
Daniel Spitz Associate Professor Faculty Appointee
Kim Monda Ph.D. Professor, Academic Senate Past President Faculty Appointee
Linda Esparza Dozer Esq. Title IX and Gender Equity Coordinator Manager Appointee 
Dr. Christopher Johnson Associate Dean of Student Affairs, DSPS Manager Appointee
Michael Medel Dean Business, Scheinfeld Center, Career Center, Media Center Manager Appointee
TBD Associated Student Government  Student Appointee
Rita Boss Executive Assistant (Confidential) Staff Support

Policy and Procedure Chapter Leads

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Meetings, Agendas, and Minutes

See upcoming meeting dates, and view agendas and minutes from previous meetings


Additional Resources

Committee files and documents available for view/download